Why was I lucky enough to be born into middle class America? I find myself thinking about poverty, and the amount of people in our world who were literally "born" into a lack of the basic needs to even survive. I bet the odds were against me, but still I was born into a family that was never in need. I've never went a day without food (except for my choice), I use more clean water brushing my teeth, than a large part of our world can find in a day, and I live in a house that would be considered a mansion to most people in our world.
Why has God given me so much?
I find the answer is simple - so I can help people.
Not so that I can have a comfortable life with a big house and a nice car. Not so I can spend lots of money on clothes and golfing. God has given me income, education, and resources to make a difference in people's lives, to show Christ in a tangible way.
I hope I never forget this
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