Saturday, June 11, 2011

Africa day 6 - back to Accra to rest

This morning we got on a plane and flew back to Accra.  I ended up eating some food that I shouldn't have - and was up all night vomiting, etc.  I'm still struggling to get healthy - so today has become a rest day.

Tomorrow morning I'm speaking in the local church - which starts at 7am!  I think our attendance would go down to about 8 if we started our service that early!  I'm hoping to be healthy by then.

That's about it for today - but here's something else from yesterday:

While we were driving through the rural villages we found a few men actually building one of those "huts".  It was fascinating to see the process so I took some pictures.

This is where they get the "mud" used to build their homes - In the picture is my guide Kwame, he's been absolutely amazing:

They mix it with water and it becomes almost a cement mixture:

This particular job is almost completed - they just form the mud and let it dry:

It was quite impressive - they were really well built.  I was told that it takes about 2 days to complete a normal sized "hut" - but a hard rain storm can bring one down pretty quick.

Please pray for my health - and also for the service tomorrow morning

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